Looking to reduce your loan repayments? Wanting a lower interest rate? Wanting to increase your loan and take cash out? We are here to help!
With interest rates at all time lows it has never been a better time to review your current mortgage. If your loan has been in place for 2-3 years or more, most likely your interest rate is not as good as it could be, and you are overpaying.
At Shape Finance we can assist with refinancing your home loan and help you find a loan that suits your situation. Speak to our team of experts to see if refinancing your home loan can be beneficial for you as refinancing a home loan can sometimes have costs associated.
We will present you with a comparison report of your current loan against other suitable products in the market. There is no stress with switching to a new lender, as we will do all the paperwork for you and ensure your new account is set up appropriately.